CDHA building

About CDHA

Our Mission

CDHA exists so that its members are able to provide quality preventive and therapeutic oral health care as well as health promotion for all persons living in Canada.

CDHA Ends Policy

The board's decisions on strategic direction take the form of specific, measurable outcomes called "Ends".

  1. Professional Knowledge (equal top priority)
    Members create, contribute to, and utilize a growing body of professional knowledge and research.
  2. Public Policy Environment (equal top priority)
    A public policy environment exists that is beneficial to the practice of dental hygiene and the overall health of Canadians.
  3. Professional practice (equal second priority)
    Members have the resources to work as an integral part of a health care team.
    3.1 Healthy and Respectful Workplace
    Members have the resources to ensure a healthier and more respectful workplace.
  4. Public Recognition (equal second priority)
    The Canadian Public understands and values the dental hygiene profession.
  5. Leadership (third priority)
    Members’ potential for professional leadership is developed.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnabeg Nation as the traditional owners and guardians of the lands of the CDHA national office.

Nigì kikenindànànàn iyo nìgànì ondamitàwini wìbidikewogamig padakising Màmìwininì Anishinàbeg odakìwàng neyàgadawendamòdjig kaye ega wìkàd kàmìgiwewàdj iyo akì.