Social Media Engagement for the Dental Hygienist: Risk, Reward, and ROI

Social Media Engagement for the Dental Hygienist: Risk, Reward, and ROI

Social Media Engagement for the Dental Hygienist: Risk, Reward, and ROI thumbnail
Release Date: November 18, 2020
Duration: 60 minutes

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  • Member Pricing: FREE
  • Non-Member Pricing: $25.00 +applicable taxes

Note: Members have free access to this webinar until their current membership expires. Non-members can access this webinar for one year from the purchase date. Webinar registration fees are non-refundable and subject to applicable taxes.


This dynamic webinar will examine the far-reaching impact of social media and how we can harness it. We will look at how CDHA uses various social platforms and how you can too, applying best practices to build an impressive digital footprint. Examining the rules of engagement, you will learn the dos and don’ts of social media for health care professionals, including code of conduct, privacy considerations, and professional responsibilities. The webinar will feature specific examples, tips, and tools, and will also highlight best practices for success. Learn how to be an influential voice of your profession!